WildJar integrates with Zapier
Your business relies on many different web tools, so it's our goal to integrate WildJar with as many of them as we can.
WildJar has always had a Zapier connection, however it has always been a private Zap. Now, we've decided to make the integration public, giving you the ability to integrate into 2,000+ platforms!
Start connecting WildJar to your other apps and automate your workflows.
Some possible integrations:
- Analytics: Hootsuite, Mix Panel, Cyfe, Kissmetrics
- CRM: Insightly, Autopilot, Pipedrive, SalesForce, AroFlo, Servicem8, Hubspot, ZOHO
- E-Commerce: Shopify, Magento, Stripe, Amazon Seller Central
- Events: Eventbrite, Picactic
- Automation: Autopilot, Hubspot, Marketo, Campaign Monitor, Active Campaign, Mail Chimp
- Design & Development: Unbounce, MySQL, GitHub, Wordpress
- Project Management: Office 365, Basecamp, Evernote, Asana, Dropbox, Jira, Slack
- Media: Facebook, Instagram, Google Suite
- Other tools: ClickFunnels, TypeForm, Calendly, SurveyMonkey, Google Sheets
Save time and work smarter by using Zapier. Start using Zapier HERE